Finally after using free hosts and free domains and waiting to get a nice domain name I got a domain that I liked. I have played around with WordPress previously when I had a free host and liked it, sites are kinda boring and forums require a community a blog is my own expression and this is what this site is about – Just Being Manan!
After setting up WordPress selecting a really cool theme I installed a few Plugins, I got to say editing it to make it cross-browser compatible was a pain, I still haven’t got it work properly on Safari – you use Safari :shock:
Ok sorry, the Plugins, yes, the ones I have installed so far:
Embedded Video Link – A Plugin to integrate various video links as videos in your blog posts. It supports almost all video portals and most commonly video formats. (Download)
Fotobook – Merges your Facebook albums in your blog, adds a ‘Photos’ link to your navigation bar and pulls images from your Facebook account. It’s pretty customizable you can choose the albums to show or hide. (Download)
Homepage Excerpts – Shows a user-defined excerpt of posts on the home page or a defined no. of full posts on the Home Page, makes the home page look neat IMHO. I have set it to show first 100 words of each post. (Download)
Redirectify – Adds external links to your navigation bar, really helpful. (Download)
Twitter Updater – If you don’t know Twitter – I won’t blame you, none the less Twitter is an update service that will send users (who have setup a twitter account in their IMs) a message whenever you update your status on the Twitter site, this service is very helpful for bloggers and blog readers. Readers can simply follow you – a blogger’s updates and so whenever you – the blogger publishes a new post the people who follow your updates will get a IM on their chat client with the title and a link to the new article.
uBerdose (All in SEO Pack) – Search Engine Optimization Pack, I have not fiddled with it so cant say much about it, but if it does what it is supposed to then it rocks. (Download) Thank You Ravi for this one.
Edit: Plugins suggested by sathya added :p
7. Google (XML) Sitemaps Generator: Generates A Sitemap in XML format that helps Bots & Search Engine in crawling your site. (Download)
8. WP-Stats – Generates statistics of your blog. (Download)
Thank You Sathya :P