This makes owning a Xbox 360 Controller for a PC super cool! So, I bought a wired Xbox 360 controller & had a bitter-sweet initial experience. To begin with, Windows 7 detected it out-of-the-box & showed the X360 controller icon in Device Stage for a couple of days (now shows a generic controller). Then adding to the pain was that Call of Duty 5 doesn’t support controllers & neither does CoD4. But, this makes up for it. Now I have complete customizable control over my PC via the Xbox 360 controller. Here’s how:
At the heart of this operation is a software called Xpadder. God knows who wrote it, but boy if I were to meet him, beer’s on me. So, go get yourself Xpadder:
Once you have the magic begins.When you run it, click on the wrench that’s been highlighted to get the configuration ‘pink’ window:
NOTE: Windows 7 folks will need to setup Compatibility, right click ‘Troubleshoot compatibility’ … should take care of it.
The pink window is where we setup the layout of the Xbox 360 Controller for the PC. The tabs that we’ll be concentrating on are:
Use the following Xbox 360 Controller image as reference for what should be Stick 1, Stick 2 & what’s the Dpad, Buttons & Triggers:
Back in the pink window:
Go to Sticks
‘Enable’ Stick 1
Follow the onscreen instructions
Repeat the steps for Stick 2, Dpad & Triggers
Buttons is a bit tricky, so here’s what you do:
Go to the Buttons tab
Click ‘A’ on your Xbox Controller & reposition it on the screen like it is on your Controller.
Repeat this for rest of the buttons.
Once done, you pink screen should look something like this:
Finish –> Close
The main screen should be something like this:
Now, we configure what button does what. To do this:
Click on the wrench near the Stick 1 & select Mouse –> Normal
The wrench for the Dpad –> Arrow Keys
Wrench for Stick 2 –> Whatever you like
For the rest of buttons, click on the buttons & you’ll be greeted with the following screen (you can even make the controller rumble when keys are pressed):
Choose what button you want should do what. And you’re done. This is what my configuration is like:
All you’re left with is to save the setup, click on the highlighted part & save it. Also, set Xpadder to start with Windows from its settings.
Game on!