As kids I’m sure a lot of us had our own stories using our toys, the random Lego creations, using GI Joes and Batman to kick some evil or perhaps just add ourselves to the story. It wasn’t possible back then but today, it is. A Microsoft Research project allows kids armed with a camera and a Microsoft Surface to create their stories using objects they want.
The project – TellTable, allows you to snap pictures using a camera connected to the Surface. These pictures can then be edited and used as characters or objects within the story. The story teller can record their stories to share with others. Being able to use your own Hotwheels collection, Justice League figures and backgrounds from comics or even television is quite exciting. Here’s a video showing a bunch of lucky kids doing exactly that:
Oh I so envy them! (via Interactive Multimedia)
PS: The ability to take images using the camer and manipulate them brings to mind the Courier.