Windows Live Skydrive makes an appearance on Human Target S02E09 to help solve crimes.
A new series of Office 2010 ads from Microsoft that has kids showing off the new features.
Microsoft India has launched an online and offline campaign by tieing up with technology magazine publishers called My Safe PC where some of Microsoft’s end user products are made available as a package.
3 new videos from microsoft pitching Windows 7 to business users. Continuing from the ‘Windows 7 was my Idea’ to a ‘You spoke, We listened’ campaign And companies talking about their Windows 7 experiences.
Microsoft’s I Am Microsoft campaign showcasing the diverse cultures working at Microsoft.
Microsoft India’s promotional campaign for Internet Explorer 8 run via a website & 4 video advertisements.
Microsoft India launches Windows 7 & Windows Mobile 6.5 Promotional campaign here in India.
English can be a funny language to interpret or maybe not. Jerry-Gates ads are not ‘canceled’. Jerry was never gonna featuring in every commercial.