Select Windows 7 SKU Version On Install & Create SKU Specific Install Discs

Enable SKU edition selector for Windows 7 installation or create SKU edition specifc Windows 7 install discs & upgrade from RC to RTM.

Customize Your Windows Desktop To Elegance

Add elegant looking system perfomance counters, gadgets, see system uptime, beautiful desktop, Bing from the desktop

[Update: Feature Removed] Sandbox Standard User Accounts In Windows 7

PC Safeguard or Guest Mode disallows users to save files to specific drives & also undos any changes done by them when they log off.

Windows 7: Blessing In-Disguise For Tech Bloggers

Windows 7 is 1 of the best things to happen to a tech blogger! Problem Steps Recorder can be used to take screen shots & write tutorials 7 reviews easily.

[PoC] Divided By Zero. FAIL.

Demo on how to use Windows 7’s Problem Step Recorder as a blogging tool.