[Vista Tip] Free Some CPU Cycles & RAM
August 12, 2008I have noticed a lot of times a service called TrustedInstaller.exe running and eating up humongous CPU & RAM resources, so I decided to dig further what it is and is it safe to disable it.
TrustedInstaller.exe is a service for Windows Update. As I manually update Windows, I prefer to have my Update Service only notify me of updates. So for me changing the trigger settings of this option makes a lot of sense as it frees up hardware resources.
I would suggest that intermediate users also set it to Manual if you want to save resources. We will not disable the service but only set it to manual rather than Automatic.
To do this:
Start -> Run -> msconfig -> Services
Uncheck Windows Module Installer
Control Panel -> System Maintainance -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Windows Module Installer.
Double click and choose Startup type -> Manual & also Stop the service.
NOTE: Doing this might alter Microsoft Update Service’s behavior.