I’m a regular foursquare user but I don’t spam my twitter and Facebook feeds with each check-in. Last week I visited New York City and boy it was a fun trip! I checked into most places I visited on Foursquare for my record and shared it of course.
For reference stats: 41 check-ins and 5 badges unlocked! Today I was wondering if I could see the places on a map and realized Foursquare doesn’t do this, a quick search here and there and I have a way to show my locations on Bing Maps.
To see the places I’ve visited on Bing Maps, head over to this link: Manan’s Travelog
Here’s how you do it:
- Login to your Foursquare account
- Visit the following URL — http://foursquare.com/feeds/
- Copy the RSS feed URL
- Go to http://bing.com/maps
- In the search box enter the following:
Once you do, Bing will show you a User Contribution map with pins on check-ins. There are options to share – a URL (the one I used to show my check-ins) and an embed code, which doesn’t work.
I plan on creating a Bing Maps app that will authenticate a user’s Foursquare account, fetch their RSS feed and show their Foursquare check-ins. The neat thing is, if you have added a comment to your check-in that is shown as well. RSS is not dead, yet.
If you want to map your check-ins on Google Maps, instead of the RSS feed URL, use the KML feed that Foursquare generates and paste the URL with no prefix in the search box.
hat tip to the following sources for this: