What Windows Cloud Should Do … At Least

Ballmer announced Windows Cloud, an OS for the internet. I feel that it should do somethings like the ones pointed out at least.

Windows Calendar Tricks (Live & Vista)

Sync your Live Calendar, Facebook events & birthdays with your Windows Calendar. Also, your Facebook events & birthdays with Live Calendar.

Windows Dis-Integrated

Microsoft’s Windows Live & Windows OS need a lot more integration.

Live Mesh First Look [Part 2]

A comprehensive look at Live Mesh and how it works. A lengthy tut.

Sync Firefox 3 Bookmarks With Live Mesh

A tut on how to sync Firefox bookmarks with Live Mesh.

Live Mesh First Look

A first look at the Live Mesh cloud service from Microsoft.

Get Your Live Mesh Working [Non-US]

Non-US users can also get Live Mesh working for them. here is a how & a quick look.

i’m Initiative Now For non-US Live Users

A tutorial to enable the i’m Initiative for non-US residents.

Live Maps Review [First Look]

An intro and look at the features of Live Maps by Microsoft.

Windows aLive

A complete review and intro of the new services offered by Microsoft under the Live brand.

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