Microsoft launched a new Silverlight based map – Local Impact Map, highlighting the stories about the positive impact of local programs supported by Microsoft around the world. Apart form the wonderful stories, the website in itself is very cool. Great use of Deep Zoom to go into a particular region of the world, the options bar below. The content of the site is very interesting. Country statistics collated from IDC, WEF, CIA Factbook. Along with this, Microsoft’s presence in the nation.
According to the site, Microsoft in India has 5,506 employees out of which 1,474 are focused on R&D. 39.7% people have Microsoft related employment! Coming to the local stories (in India):
There are 10 initiatives where Microsoft is involved, these are:
Enabling Women in Asia part of the Microsoft Unlimited Potential program. Microsoft provides grants for programs aimed at empowering women.
Project 2º – Microsoft will be providing a ‘technology suite’ to monitor & reduce green house gas emissions. The project is focused towards Mumbai & Delhi. This is a Clinton Climate Foundation initiative.
Microsoft Project 2º | Project 2º | Tracker Demo
Aga Khan Rural Support Program along with Microsoft in 2009 has 13 computer training centers in Gujrat & Madhya Pradesh. More info on AGARSP.
Human Trafficking
Portable Diagnostic Device – A project by IIT Hyderabad.
The rest can be seen on the site itself :)
Coming back to the site, here are some stats that might interest you:
India is ranked 62nd of 131 countries in terms of Technology Readiness.
India is ranked 95 of 131 in terms of number of Internet users.
Pakistan has a Microsoft Innovation Center, India’s is still under progress at Pune.
0.8% house-holds in India have broadband connectivity.
Colored maps make going through these stats absolutely fun.
Enjoy the website, it’s fun & highly informative – Microsoft Local Impact Map