Windows Phone 7 and Windows Live together provide more native social network integration than iOS and Android. Quick status and image sharing on multiple networks. WP7 makes it easy to stay in touch with friends.
MSFT buys Skype. MSFT integrates Facebook chat in WP7. Facebook brings Skype to chat. This could be video calling in Mango and even Windows 8.
Developers are opting for iOS and Android for coding their apps. Windows Phone 7 is not a choice as of now. If Nokia decides to do their own app store it will lead to developer factions and fragmentation.
Group live blog of Microsoft’s VIP event for Windows Phone 7 Mango held in New York City.
Microsoft with their Skype purchase in addition to the integration of Facebook and Windows Live Messaging integration will let them play ball on the negotiations table with the carriers.
Microsoft visualizes developer enthusiasm for WP7 with a wall filled with app icons, at their annual MIX conference.
Steve Ballmer’s decision to have Windows everywhere and the Metro (Windows Phone 7) inspired UI might well be the reason why the Courier was kinned.
After several statements from microsoft, a clearer picture as to how the Windows Phone 7 update process got screwed up emerges. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
With office 365 on Windows Phone Microsoft could be looking to bring Lync Online as its FaceTime competitor.