A lot of people have been complaining about the totally new and improved Ribbon Interface of Office 2007, the biggest problem they face is that they cant find a certain feature they want to use, rather than having them in bars, MS has categorized them a little differently. Personally, me like all critics, loves and appreciates Office 2007 for its radical and improved looks and features, but MS decided to come up with a solution for the casual user who could not find the command he was looking for and its called – Office Scout.
Office Scout is a simple plugin for Office 2007 which will add a ‘Search for Command’ tab on top, which will allow you to simply type a certain a command you need and it will show you the corresponding options available. Pretty neat!
I tried it on my Office 2007 and searched for ‘Print’, these are the options I got:
It is a pretty neat feature to have, really helpful and for those who obtained Office from other ‘Sources’ don’t worry it will work without any issues on your version too. :)